Alligator Holdings LLC is a growing group of companies focused on providing advanced manufacturing processes, bringing life-enhancing products to market, and early-stage investments in strategic start-ups.
Focused on being a trusted supply chain partner to our customers, providing key manufacturing and fabrication processes for metal and plastic applications.

Innovative Technologies Corporation, in Horicon, Wisconsin, supplies customers with superior precision metal stampings, quality tooling, and specialized value-added services. ISO 9001:2015 Certified, ITC focuses on Quality Assurance, Flexible Capabilities, and Comprehensive Solutions, and is a member of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council.

Clearshot Manufacturing specializes in top-tier Swiss machining and screw machining technology and techniques. Customers rely on Clearshot to provide precise, durable, and reliable products across a wide variety of industries and demanding applications, including medical, automotive, appliance, aerospace, defense, power generation, and consumer products.

AMP/ACI – One integrated source, providing complete CNC machining and fabrication services. Experienced performance in a variety of industries and applications. From prototypes to short-run to full-time production, AMP/ACI has the personnel and machining technologies to support your manufacturing targets.

KTM Industries provides customers with decades of industry-leading experience in the engineering, design, development, and successful on-time launch of qualified high-performance tooling systems for plastics injection molding. KTM provides a complete development solution – from concept prototypes to proof-of-performance pilot tooling to optimized high-volume production molds, KTM hits the launch window to support the success of your project.
Focused on using our engineering and development experience to support and enable the launch of ecological technologies and systems for safe water and land.

Aqua Innovations is an environmental engineering firm pioneering wastewater solutions for the agriculture industry. Our proven, innovative Nutrient Concentration System (NCS) allows operators to generate clean and usable water as a by-product of their manufacturing process. Our innovative technology also offers significant benefits to industrial and energy markets to meet the high-water quality standards of most production processes. Our revolutionary system results in better air and land quality and an environmentally sustainable cycle for food production.

Qualified Water Systems – The QWS FLEX Modular Water Filtration System, designed and built in the USA, is a customizable and adaptable WHOLE-HOUSE method of delivering safe water to your family. Our modular units, using our specialized filter cartridges, are built to facilitate creating a system based on your home and area’s specific water conditions.

Evergreen Software Solutions – Integrating and implementing leading ERP systems to enable your best practices for administration, production, inventory control, e-commerce, and all critical business functions.
As a family office, we provide many of the services of both an incubator and accelerator - as appropriate and beneficial to the individual company.

Light Line Medical's platform technology is a novel way to prevent catheter-associated infections (CAI) from urinary, respiratory, and vascular/dialysis catheters. Without relying on drugs, chemicals, or harmful UV light, their PhotoDisinfection™ technology uses 405 nm visible light (i.e. violet/blue light that the naked eye can see). The light is delivered via a fiber optic cable placed inside a catheter. This disinfects and protects the inside and outside of catheters, killing microbes, and preventing associated infections.

Stabilux Biosciences® - StabiLux’s dye technology is poised to unleash the next 50 years of bio-medical innovation. Stabilux has developed proprietary, high-brightness fluorophores (dyes) for biomedical applications. The result is NovoLux® High-Brightness Dyes™, which are 2X to 1,000X brighter than any commercial dye, increasing the detection sensitivity of multi-color flow cytometry. Our dyes can be used with existing equipment and allow researchers to detect what was previously undetectable.